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Rabbi Wein Flash Drive Order Form
We are privileged to be able to share with you the audio recordings of lectures from Rabbi Berel Wein on many topics such as Prayer, Jewish History, Lives of the Prophets, Pirkei Avos and more..
Over 200 lectures are now available on 2 flash drives for just $36.00
Rabbi Berel Wein, the founder and director of the Destiny Foundation since 1996, has, for over 25 years, been identified with the popularization of Jewish history through his more than 1,000 lectures heard world-wide on CD and now as downloadable MP3s, his 15 books, history courses, educational tours and, most recently, dramatic and documentary films.
These lectures were originally purchased many years ago on cassette tapes before the days of compact discs and digital technology. We thank Rabbi Wein and The Destiny Foundation for their permission to make these lectures digitally available to our members. We thank Howard Nochumson who is the driving force behind this project. Howard was originally involved in obtaining the tapes of these lectures. Howard felt it would be tremendously beneficial to make these lectures available to our members. He obtained the necessary permission and pushed this project through. A special thank you to Yisrael Chertok for all his technological efforts in transferring the lectures and making them available on our website and now on flash drives.
Flash drives are to be used for your personal use only.